المصطلحات الضريبية

Accounting Records

(In Arabic: سجلات محاسبية) All documents, books, and accounting entries that contribute to preparing the financial statements including records of assets, liabilities, and supporting documents, such as checks, payment receipts, receipts, and invoices.

Accounting System

(In Arabic: نظام محاسبة) is a system a company uses to manage financial records and operations, and this often includes tracking revenues, expenses, and other financial activities such as accounts for assets, liabilities, and equity. The accounting system usually includes a system for recording financial transactions, financial account management systems, a system for managing customer and supplier accounts, a system for preparing reports and financial statements, and a system for financial analysis and decision support.


(In Arabic: نشاط) Any business established for the purpose of earning money, whether it is in the commercial sector, industry sector, or services sector …..etc.

Assessment and Examination Procedures

(In Arabic: اجراءات الفحص والربط) The tax authority right to conduct assessment and examination procedures to make sure that the taxpayer has fulfilled the obligations imposed on him by the tax law, and to correct or amend the tax indicated in his declaration to make it compatible with the provisions of the law. The taxpayer is obligated to cooperate with the Authority inspectors by providing them with all information and documents upon their request. Inspectors have the right to make a tax assessment if the taxpayer does not submit his declaration.


(In Arabic: التزام) It is the fulfillment of all the obligations, tasks, and duties imposed on the taxpayer or the person subject to tax as per laws, regulations and bylaws issued by the tax regulator.

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